Jamie Diana...

Hi! I'm Jamie, welcome to my blog, Aprons and Apertures. I work in the environmental policy field, but my real passions are cooking, baking, and photography. My love for the kitchen began around age three when I would sit on the counter and beg my mom to let me stir whatever she was making. My interest in photography didn't develop until high school when I decided to take photography classes with the family's old Minolta. 

My current kitchen is sunny Seattle, WA, where I moved on my 25th birthday! I love the city and all the fresh and local produce it has to offer. I hope you enjoy my little corner of the web!


  1. Jamie- I love your blog site - which one do you use - how can I do the same?

    Aunt Josie

  2. Hi Joelle!! I use blogspot,which is the blogging platform run by Google. It's really easy!

  3. Aprons and Apertures (AA) has really helped me develop my skills in the kitchen.

    I rely on Jamie's cooking/baking (C/B) prowess almost daily to provide me with guidance on the intricacies of frosting my cupcakes (that's what she said?).

    Thank you Jamie and AA for all the C/B advice and for providing such pretty pictures to look at!

    -Rufio Johnson

    (acronym use in accordance with DEP ARC style guides).

  4. I'm procrastinating from going to the gym, and finally decided to look at your blog. The pictures are freakin' amazing! I was almost tempted to cook something. Almost.

    - The friend who doesn't help in the kitchen but is always willing to eat the cookie dough

  5. Haha thanks Kate! Maybe you can help out by eating some cookie dough in August?!
